It is fairly simple to use, but doing something with the results are very complex. The mirrors are designed to allow you to measure the angle between a star or planet and the horizon. Basically looking through the eye piece at the body in question and adjusting the arms with a sort of rocking motion so that the body appears to touch the horizon will allow you to read the angle. This also has to be done with an exact time reference. The time factors into the complex series of calculations that allow you to determine where to draw a line on your map or chart.
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Sextant is used to measure the angle between any two visible objects.Its primary use is to determine the angle between a celestial object and the the horizon which is also know as objects altitude.
The device that astronomers use to find the angle between the horizon and stars in the sky is called a sextant.
A sextant, possibly.
Theodolite on land, sextant at sea
That is the principle of a sextant.
you use a sextant to navigate.
the sextant helped me navagate my way to alaska
Yes Christopher Columbus did use a sextant along with a compass, ampoletta, and a cross staff.
the sextant
Use a sextant
He used a compass and a sextant on his expedition. :)
A sextant is a navigational instrument that sights upon the stars to determine a ship's position. This instrument was crucial to naval navigation until global positioning became a reality in the late 20th century. "Henry the Navigator prized his sextant while on his journeys to the New World." "The ship's position is determined by the use of the ship's navigator using a sextant."
you can find sextant on
you draw a sextant by looking at googler in the images.
he was and italian navigator what do they use for exploring
To use a false horizon with a sextant, you would need to create an artificial horizon with a still reflecting surface, such as oil in a pan or a small pool of water. You would then line up the celestial body you are measuring with its reflection on the artificial horizon, allowing you to take an accurate sextant reading. This method is useful when the true horizon is obscured or not visible.