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Sextant is used to measure the angle between any two visible objects.Its primary use is to determine the angle between a celestial object and the the horizon which is also know as objects altitude.

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What can you find out about sextant?

you can find sextant on

What is the sextant used for?

you use a sextant to navigate.

How do you draw a sextant?

you draw a sextant by looking at googler in the images.

How do you use the word sextant in a sentence?

the sextant helped me navagate my way to alaska

How many years sextant becomes a symbol of navigation?

how many years that the sextant become a symbol of navigation

Who built the sextant?

The sextant was developed independently by multiple inventors in the late 18th century, including John Hadley and Thomas Godfrey. It is unclear who specifically should be credited with its invention, as the device was refined over time by various individuals.

What replaced the astrolabe?

The sextant

What has replaced the astrolabe?

The sextant

Did Columbus use a sextant?

Yes Christopher Columbus did use a sextant along with a compass, ampoletta, and a cross staff.

Why sextant is named so?

The term "sextant" comes from the Latin word "sextans," meaning one-sixth. This refers to the instrument's ability to measure angles up to one-sixth of a circle (60 degrees). The sextant is commonly used in navigation to determine the altitude of celestial bodies.

What instrument measures the horizon?

A sextant

How does a sextant work?

A sextant is an instrument used in navigation to measure the angle between a celestial body (like the sun or a star) and the horizon. By determining this angle, along with the time of the measurement, a navigator can use trigonometry to calculate their position on the Earth's surface.