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I learned about isosceles triangles in school last Thursday.

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Q: How do you use isosceles triangle in a sentence?
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An isosceles triangle is a triangle with at least 2 equal sides (and 2 equal angles).

A sentence with the word isosceles in it?

An isosceles triangle is one with at least two equal sides.

How do you use isosceles?


How do you use isosceles in a sentence?

A traingle has ISOSCELES.

Is an acute triangle sometimes an isosceles?

An acute triangle can be an isosceles triangle, but it doesn't have to be. An isosceles triangle can be an acute triangle, but it doesn't have to be.

What is an example of an isosceles triangle?

isosceles triangle

What does a right triangle and an isosceles triangle have in common?

A right triangle and an isosceles triangle have the fact that they are both triangles in common. A right triangle can also be an isosceles triangle.

How to solve for the base of isosceles triangle when only two sides are given?

You will also need the angles so that you can use the Isosceles Triangle Theorems to solve for the base of isosceles triangle when only two sides are given.

How do you draw an isosceles scalene triangle?

You cannot. An isosceles triangle cannot be scalene and a scalene triangle cannot be isosceles. So an isosceles scalene triangle cannot exist.

Ans isosceles triangle is a triangle that has?

An isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two equal sides.

Are isosceles triangle sometimes an equilateral triangle?

Are isosceles triangle sometimes an equilateral triangle

Is an equilateral triangle always or sometimes called an isosceles?

If you can only prove two sides of an apparently equilateral triangle to be congruent then you have to use isosceles.