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Q: How do you use math during nursing?
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Education in bsn nursing?

math science

Does nursing school involve math?


What does math have to do with being a nursing assistant?

it has to do with numbers

The importance of math in nursing?

Math is important in nursing especially working with pediatrics. Math is used to calculate medicine dosages and administer the right dose. It is used from pills to liquids to IV solutions.

Why does Basketball And Math Go Hand In Hand?

They gernerally do not, but during scoring you use math. You use math to add up the score and find which team wins.

When would someone use a math sum?

During maths.

Why do you need math in nursing?

You use math everyday in nursing. Injections are measured in cc's and must be exact. Pulse rates are counted as how many beats in a minute. The easiest way to do this is to count the beats in 15 seconds and multiply x four= 60 seconds. These are just two ways of which there are many more.

How do builders use math during working?

Geometry and basic algebra

What college and university majors can you do if you are excellent at just math?

Nursing and enganeer

Is the nursing math difficult to learn?

yes it can be sometimes very hard.

Needed Background for Certified Nursing Classes?

While the nursing career continues to grow, potential students are advised to work on strong math and science skills. Certified nursing requires students to undergo extensive training in both subjects and will utilize these skills as they work in the nursing profession. Taking challenging math and science classes help people succeed in certified nursing school.

How much math do you need for a bachelor's degree in nursing?

Typically a college algebra.