You use math everyday in nursing. Injections are measured in cc's and
must be exact. Pulse rates are counted as how many beats in a minute.
The easiest way to do this is to count the beats in 15 seconds and
multiply x four= 60 seconds. These are just two ways of which there are many more.
Most colleges require 1 class each of Chemistry and Algebra. My nursing school also included Nursing Math in their program that teaches medication doses and figuring IV drip rates. Hope this helps
By breaking our head
In the UK the main ones are children's nursing, learning disabilities nursing, mental health nursing and adult nursing...obviously in each of these there are different roles, like in children's nursing there are things like neonatal nursing and working with teenagers etc. what qualifications do you need to be a dental nurse?
You need to do the math to get the answers.
Typically a college algebra.
Math can relate to Nursing in ways of computing the weight of the patient and giving the right dosages. and all sorta things. :)
If you are pursing nursing you shouldn't have to take calculus or pre-calculus since nursing deals more with algebraic and statistical math's.
Most colleges require 1 class each of Chemistry and Algebra. My nursing school also included Nursing Math in their program that teaches medication doses and figuring IV drip rates. Hope this helps
If you are a high schooler wanting to get into nursing school, you academically need strong math, science, and writing/communiation skills, and the highest GPA you can attain.
math science
it has to do with numbers
Math is important in nursing especially working with pediatrics. Math is used to calculate medicine dosages and administer the right dose. It is used from pills to liquids to IV solutions.
By breaking our head
What type of clothing do you need for nursing?
You can't major in obseterics nursing, you major in nursing, as I am doing. But it depends on the college you are looking to attend. Most schools look for at least an 1000 on the math and english sections. The essay section is subjective so it isn't factored in by most schools.