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Almost everything needs to be calculated when buiding a house,

square footage,


roof & wall angles,

room sizes,

and measuring what needs to go in the house.

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Q: How do you use math in building a house?
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Architects use math in everything from angles to finding the area of a building.

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You can use basic math to double the ingredients in a recipe when cooking.

What do you use math for?

Everyone uses math every day. Architects use math to make sure that their building designs are stable. Teachers use math to count the number of students in the class. Salesmen use math to figure out their profits.

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Math is said to be the universal language and let's face it you can't do much of anything in you everyday life without it. Just think of all the ways we use math cooking, shopping, building, and even knowing when to leave your house to get somewhere on time.

How do you use the word building in a sentence?

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Where is mathematics applied in architecture?

In todays architecture you will find math everywhere. Math is involved in most every part of a building. Math defines the durability and strength of a building. Math defines the power grid in a building. Math defines the windows in a building. Math even defines the ground where the building is to be built.

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How can math be used?

When you buy a car, follow a recipe, or decorate your home, you're using math principles. People have been using these same principles for thousands of years, across countries and continents. Whether you're sailing a boat off the coast of Japan or building a house in Peru, you're using math to get things done. That's when you use math, and trust me you'll need to use it a lot! In accounting, I believe you can use basic math for subtracting and addition for credits and debits, but geometry you can use that when you are a architect as well.

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Occupations that use a lot of math?

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