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Building engineers use math to help them figure out how big or how small to make the house or whatever they are building.

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Q: Why do building engineers use math?
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Do scientists and engineers use math everyday or not?

everyday they use math

Why do engineers use math?

Engineering is basically applied science, and many scientific areas require math. (You might also say, "by definition": if an area of work doesn't include lots of science and math, then it wouldn't be called "Engineering".)

What type of math do engineers use?


Do engineers use math?

Just about everything an engineer in any field does will involve math.

What type of engineers use math and how?

All engineering specialties use math, in virtually every way imaginable.

What does math have to do with the John Hancock building in Boston MA?

A great deal. Math is required to calculate certain things during construction. Imagine for a second that the engineers who designed and built the building didn't use math. How would they know the building would stand up during a storm? Designing a building requires a team of people from engineers to architects who need to calculate all sorts of things to make sure buildings stand up and the systems in them function properly. As another example, it gets cold in Boston. To calculate the amount of heat needed to keep the people in the building warm in the winter the HVAC engineers need to do what? That's right, they need to use math. Math and science are the two most important subjects in school. Without a solid grasp of them you will definitely become homeless. So, stay in school.

What kind of math do nuclear engineers use?

Nuclear Physics!

What are some professions that use math?

Engineers, Physicists, and literally Rocket Scientists. Oh, and of course Math Teachers. Hahah.

When was Association of Building Engineers created?

Association of Building Engineers was created in 1925.

What types of jobs use math?

There are many such as: maths teachers, accountants, engineers and architects.  

How do Engineers use area and circumference?

they use by figuaring out the area around the building or place they are making.

Who uses Pi?

3.14159265 That Pi? Many people use Pi. I use Pi in my math class.