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Integers can be found in many places. Any where you find a number, a street address, a telephone number, etc. is an integer. Take in mind that in a telephone number, the number itself is not an integer, integers create how the number looks. You find integers in temp.(not body temp. because you use decimals in body temp.) and also in stock market change. With the Stock Market only use the point change. Football is probably the best example because you gain and loose yards. Golf is a great example also. Speed is also represented by integer. Basically, anything not a decimal is an integer.

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Q: How do you use negative and positive integers in real life?
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What is the use of integers in real life?

Counting, checking your bank account what has been deducted, reading a weather report, or even when you check your weight. The integers are positive and negative numbers we use in life.

How can you classify different numbers?

Obviously, there are an infinite number of ways you can classify numbers.For example, you can classify positive and negative numbers; integers and non-integers; rational and irratinoal numbers; real numbers and complex numbers.Obviously, there are an infinite number of ways you can classify numbers.For example, you can classify positive and negative numbers; integers and non-integers; rational and irratinoal numbers; real numbers and complex numbers.Obviously, there are an infinite number of ways you can classify numbers.For example, you can classify positive and negative numbers; integers and non-integers; rational and irratinoal numbers; real numbers and complex numbers.Obviously, there are an infinite number of ways you can classify numbers.For example, you can classify positive and negative numbers; integers and non-integers; rational and irratinoal numbers; real numbers and complex numbers.

What about a real life situation to explain why a negative times a negative number will give a positive number?

there is no real life situation

What are positive and negative numbers called?

Positive numbers are greater than zero and negative numbers are less than zero. They are both collectively referred to as real numbers.

Are all numbers that is greater than zero is an positive integers?

No. All numbers greater than zero are positive real numbers. Integers are whole numbers (positive or negative) and therefore, don't include numbers with decimals.

Related questions

What set of real numbers includes positive integers but not negative or zero?

The set of Counting Numbers or Natural Numbersincludes positive integers but not negative integers or zero.The set is 1,2,3,4,5,6....and so on.

What is the use of integers in real life?

Counting, checking your bank account what has been deducted, reading a weather report, or even when you check your weight. The integers are positive and negative numbers we use in life.

Is every integer a real number?

Yes, all integers are considered to be real numbers.

Is a negative fraction a real number?

Yes. Real numbers include positive and negative numbers, integers and fractions, rational and irrational numbers.

How do you multiplies and divides integers?

Multiplying and dividing integers is real easy. All you have to do is do regular dividing and multiplying keeping in mind these simple rules: RULES: 1: When multiplying or dividing integers, when the numbers are a positive, positive they equal a positive. When the numbers are negative, negative they equal a positive. In other words, same signs equal positive. 2: This rule is very similar to the rule above. The only change is that when the signs are different, they equal a negative. ( negative, positive= negative, positive, negative= negative.) Please correct me if I'm wrong. Multiply integers- my notes from class positive x positive= positive positive x negative= negative negative x negative= positive Divide integers- again my notes from class positive divided by a positive= positive negative divided by a negative= positive negative divided by a positive= negative Dividing integers are simple if the number has a different sign than the other it is always negative but if they have the same sign its always positive ex. -20/5=-4 ex. -20/-4=-5

Are all integers real numbers?

Every integers are real numbers.more precisely, integers are the subset of R, the set of real numbers.They are whole numbers with no decimals or fractions

How can you classify different numbers?

Obviously, there are an infinite number of ways you can classify numbers.For example, you can classify positive and negative numbers; integers and non-integers; rational and irratinoal numbers; real numbers and complex numbers.Obviously, there are an infinite number of ways you can classify numbers.For example, you can classify positive and negative numbers; integers and non-integers; rational and irratinoal numbers; real numbers and complex numbers.Obviously, there are an infinite number of ways you can classify numbers.For example, you can classify positive and negative numbers; integers and non-integers; rational and irratinoal numbers; real numbers and complex numbers.Obviously, there are an infinite number of ways you can classify numbers.For example, you can classify positive and negative numbers; integers and non-integers; rational and irratinoal numbers; real numbers and complex numbers.

Is the product of two integers positive negative or zero How can you tell?

The product of two integers will be: * Zero, if one factor, or both, are zero. * Positive, if both factors have the same sign (both positive, or both negative) * Negative, if the two factors have different signs. Actually, these rules apply to all real numbers, not just to integers.

What is known as a set of positive and negative numbers called?

The set of non-zero real numbers.

What about a real life situation to explain why a negative times a negative number will give a positive number?

there is no real life situation

What are positive and negative numbers called?

Positive numbers are greater than zero and negative numbers are less than zero. They are both collectively referred to as real numbers.

Is the set of integers closed under subtraction?

yes, because an integer is a positive or negative, rational, whole number. when you subject integers, you still get a positive or negative, rational, whole number, which means that under the closure property of real numbers, the set of integers is closed under subtraction.