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it is like a factor

ex: 40 and 48 8 is the answer because 6x8=48 and 8x5=40

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Q: How do you use prime factorizations to find least common multiples?
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How can you determine from the prime factorization whether the least common multiple of two numbers is the product of the numbers?

If the prime factorizations have no factors in common, the LCM is the product of them.

How many numbers are in a prime factorizations have?

At least two.

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The factor tree finds the prime factorization of a given number. Combining the prime factorizations of two denominators correctly will give you their least common denominator.

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If none of the prime factors are in common, the LCM will be the product of the two.

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Prime factorization and the Euclidean algorithm

What is the least common multiple of 33 and 8?

the answer is 264 Prime Factorizations 33=3*11 (2 distinct prime factors) 8=23 (3 prime factors, 1 distinct)

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28 = 256

Is 17 a composite number or a prime number?

17 is a Prime Number, because 1 and 17 are the only Least Common Multiples.