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8*3.5 = 8*(3 + 0.5) which, applying the distributive property,

= 8*3 + 8*0.5 = 24 + 4 = 28

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Q: How do you use the distributive property to multiply 8 times 3 and a half?
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What is one half of one and three eighths?

One half "of" a number means one half "times" that number, so just multiply it. One and three eighths means one plus 3/8; you can either multiply 1/2 times 1 and 1/2 times 3/8 separately, then add the results (distributive property!), or first convert 1 3/8 to an improper fraction (11/8 in this case).

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you multiply length times width and if its a triangle you multiply length times width and divide by two or cut in half (:

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Half times means 0.5x. So, if you multiply 23 by 0.5 you will get 11.5

What is half of one and three fourths ounces?

For purposes of calculation, 1/2 OF something is the same as 1/2 TIMES something. Therefore, you only need to multiply 1/2 times 1 and 3/4. Here are two ways to do this:1) Convert 1 and 3/4 to a mixed fraction. Then multiply the numerators, and the denominators. 2) Remember that 1 and 3/4 means 1 + 3/4. Use the distributive property, i.e., multiply 1/2 times 1, multiply 1/2 times 3/4, and add the results. The first method is simpler in this case, but it is convenient to know both methods, since sometimes the second method is easier.

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You multiply half of base times height so find base times height and cut it in half.

When you find the area of a triangle do you multiply half times base times height?

Yes, exactly right

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You get 3 quarters of a number by multiplying the number by .75; or you can multiply it by .25 and then multiply the product by 3. Or, you can multiply the number by 3, and then divide the product by 4.Half it and half it again. Then times it by 3

How do you find out the circumfrance of a circle?

To find the circumfrance of a circle, you need to multiply 2 times pi, times the circle's radius. If you don't know what that is, you multiply two times pi, and pi equals 3.14, and then multiply that by the radius, which is the measurement of half the circl'e diameter. the diameter is the distance from one side of the circle, to the exact opposite. you measure this with a ruler. HALF the measurement of the diameter is the radius. Example---the diameter of a circle is 20 cm. half the diameter is 10 cm, which is the radius. Multiply 2 times pi[which equals 3.14], times the radius. Good luck!

Multiply 4 and 2 fifths times 2 and 1 half?

4 and 2 fifths= 4.42 and 1 half= 2.54.4 * 2.5 = 11

How do you find the circumference from the area?

Well, you find the area of a circle by multiplying (pi times radius2) or (pi times radius times radius). The radius is half of the diameter. The formula for the circumference is (pi times diameter). Multiply the radius times 2 to get the diameter. Multiply the diameter times pi.