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Q: How do you work out a 1-15 fall for a ramp?
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How do you work out the gradiant on a ramp?

Divide the height of the ramp by the length of the ramp (rise over run).

Which pair of number does 115 fall between?

114 and 116

How does ramps work?

a ramp is a flat surface which

How do you find efficiency of a ramp?

To find the efficiency of a ramp, you would calculate the output work (weight lifted) divided by the input work (force applied). The formula for efficiency is (Output Work/Input Work) x 100%. A more efficient ramp would require less input work to lift a certain weight.

Will you fall face first when dropping in a ramp?

no just make sur your leaning forward

What percent of WAIS scores fall between 85 and 115?

68 %

How does the inclined plane work?

It works like a ramp.

How does a ramp work?

to give you a better oppritunity to do aerial flips and variations while in air

What is the efficiency of a ramp if the input work is 96 j and the output work is 24j?

The efficiency of the ramp is 25%. This is calculated by taking the ratio of output work to input work, which in this case is 24 J / 96 J = 0.25, or 25%.

Does an inclined plane make work harder?

No, it makes work easier at the expense of more work. Climbing stairs can be done faster than climbing a ramp, but climbing the ramp is easier, since it is less work over a longer time.

How much work in joules has been done when you reach the top of the ramp?

The work done is equal to the change in potential energy. If the ramp has a height of h meters, the work done is mgh Joules, where m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the ramp.

How much does a 15 degree ramp fall over 3.8 metres?

Approx 98 centimetres.