

Best Answer

You cannot work out pheta until it is defined.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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Q: How do you work out pheta in maths?
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Pheta's population is 4,337.

When was Spacestation Pheta created?

Spacestation Pheta was created in 1988.

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You can get free maths lessons online at www.extra maths

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Usually when you are predicting what your opponent will do next or are trying to work out a reliable strategy to win the game. Usually maths has nothing to do with maths games though. Usually when you are predicting what your opponent will do next or are trying to work out a reliable strategy to win the game. Usually maths has nothing to do with maths games though.

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by the calculater

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It doesn't work. It just lazes around all day. Curse that Grid System! It never works for maths...

Why maths is important to science?

Physics requires maths, to work out the force of something. and for example if you have the time it takes an item to arrive as well as the distance you can work out the speed

How do chefs use maths in daily life?

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you work for it

How do you work out the difference maths problem?

by doing math

How do you work out a product maths?

Use a calculator. der!