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It depends on what x is.

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Q: How do you work out the value of x in terms of area?
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This is normally expressed in terms of the radius: area = pi x radius2.This is normally expressed in terms of the radius: area = pi x radius2.This is normally expressed in terms of the radius: area = pi x radius2.This is normally expressed in terms of the radius: area = pi x radius2.

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There are more than 1 set of values that will work. The value's of "x = 1" and "y = -1.5" will work and therefore the values "x = 100" and "y = -150" will work as well. In other words take any number you want for the value of x and multiply that number by negative 1.5 (-1.5) to get the value of y. y = (x multiplied by -1.5)

What does absolute value represent?

It represents the distance of that number from 0. |1| would be 1, as would |-1|, because that's how far it is from 0. In constant terms, It just makes it positive. In variable terms, it can get complicated, as |x| isn't x, because x could = a negative number. The best way to answer a |x| question is: = X if the value of X is a positive number, OR -X if the value of X is a negative number

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The surface area of a sphere is equal to 4 x Pi x radius2

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The range is the y value like the domain is the x value as in Domain and Range.

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It is used to work out the area of a circle by using the formula πr2 and the circumference (Perimeter) πd. πr2 - Area: Pi x Radius2 πd - Circumference: Pi x Diameter π = 3.1415...

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If 6x -1 29 what is the value of x and sup2 plus x?

Without an equality sign the given terms can't be classed as an equation and so therefore the value of x can not be determined.

What is 36 multiplied by x?

The value of 36*X is directly dependant on the value of X. In terms of common mathematical notation, the multiplication of a variable by a constant is implied, meaning that 36*X is the same as simply 36X