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There are more than 1 set of values that will work. The value's of "x = 1" and "y = -1.5" will work and therefore the values "x = 100" and "y = -150" will work as well. In other words take any number you want for the value of x and multiply that number by negative 1.5 (-1.5) to get the value of y.

y = (x multiplied by -1.5)

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Q: What is the value of x and y if 3x plus y and 2x plus y and 4x plus 3y and 3x plus 3y are consecutive terms of am arithmetic sequence?
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How do you determine a arithmetic sequence?

It is an arithmetic sequence if you can establish that the difference between any term in the sequence and the one before it has a constant value.

How is a arithmetic sequence found?

You take the difference between the second and first numbers.Then take the difference between the third and second numbers. If that difference is not the same then it is not an arithmetic sequence, otherwise it could be.Take the difference between the fourth and third second numbers. If that difference is not the same then it is not an arithmetic sequence, otherwise it could be.Keep checking until you think the differences are all the same.That being the case it is an arithmetic sequence.If you have a position to value rule that is linear then it is an arithmetic sequence.

1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 13 14 16 149 how to calculate the no of terms in the sequence?

Well, we can see that all multiples of 3 have been removed. Because we know that 149 is the final value, 147 is the final value that has been removed. 147/3=49, therefore we know that 49 values have been removed from the consecutive sequence of integers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7 etc.) So, 149-49=100 Therefore there are 100 terms in the sequence.

What is the value of B in 3477 b 3500?

There is no way to answer your question. It is not an equation, because there is no equal sign. There is no explanation if it is a sequence of arithmetic or geometric numbers. There is nothing to go on to solve for a value of B.

What are the types of arithmetic sequence?

There is only one type of arithmetic sequence.The sequence may be defined by a "position-to-value" rule. This would be of the form:U(n) = a + n*dwhere a a constant which equals what the 0th term in the sequence would be,d is also a constant - the common difference between each term in the sequence and the preceding term.and n is a variable that is a counter for the position of the term in the sequence.The same sequence can be defined iteratively by:U(0) = aU(n+1) = U(n) + d for n = 1, 2, 3, ...

Related questions

What are the 5 terms of an arithmetic sequence?

They are a, a+d, a+2d, a+3d and a+4d where a is the starting value and d is the common difference.

A certain arithmetic sequence has the recursive formula If the common difference between the terms of the sequence is -11 what term follows the term that has the value 11?

In this case, 22 would have the value of 11.

How do you determine a arithmetic sequence?

It is an arithmetic sequence if you can establish that the difference between any term in the sequence and the one before it has a constant value.

In an arithmetic sequence if the difference value is negative what is the effect?

It creates a decreasing sequence.

What is the d value of the following arithmetic sequence 16 9 2 5 12 19?

The sequence in the question is NOT an arithmetic sequence. In an arithmetic sequence the difference between each term and its predecessor (the term immediately before) is a constant - including the sign. It is not enough for the difference between two successive terms (in any order) to remain constant. In the above sequence, the difference is -7 for the first two intervals and then changes to +7.

In the eight term sequence abcdefgh the sum of any three consecutive terms is 14 if b7 and f4 determine the value of d?


How is a arithmetic sequence found?

You take the difference between the second and first numbers.Then take the difference between the third and second numbers. If that difference is not the same then it is not an arithmetic sequence, otherwise it could be.Take the difference between the fourth and third second numbers. If that difference is not the same then it is not an arithmetic sequence, otherwise it could be.Keep checking until you think the differences are all the same.That being the case it is an arithmetic sequence.If you have a position to value rule that is linear then it is an arithmetic sequence.

What is the y value in the following arithmetic sequence 4 7 10 13 16?

None, since there is nothing to link y to the sequence.

What is the value of the nth term in the following arithmetic sequence 12 6 0 -6 ...?

18 - 6n

What is an nth term in an arithmetic sequence?

The nth term is referring to any term in the arithmetic sequence. You would figure out the formula an = a1+(n-1)d-10where an is your y-value, a1 is your first term in a number sequence (your x-value), n is the term you're trying to find, and d is the amount you're increasing by.

Difference between AP series GPs reis?

In an arithmetic progression (AP), each term is obtained by adding a constant value to the previous term. In a geometric progression (GP), each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by a constant value. An AP will have a common difference between consecutive terms, while a GP will have a common ratio between consecutive terms.

What are 10 algebraic terms that start with A?

Abscissa Absolute Value Absolute Value Rules Acceleration Accuracy Additive Inverse of a Matrix Algebra Analytic Geometry Analytic Methods Argand Plane Argument of a Function Arithmetic Progression Arithmetic Sequence Arithmetic Series Asymptote Augmented Matrix Average Rate of Change Axes Axis of Reflection Axis of Symmetry Axis of Symmetry of a Parabola Source~