easy! .075
One thousand seventy-five.
Two-million four-hundred and eighty nine thousand and seventy-five
easy! .075
One thousand seventy-five.
Two-million four-hundred and eighty nine thousand and seventy-five
.075 = 3/40 as a fraction in its simplest form
Depends if it is in decimals .75 is the simplest form. is it is in fractions then it is three forths
If you mean 0.75 then it is 3/4 as a fraction in its simplest form
As a decimal, 75 thousandths is .075
2,489,075 =two million, four hundred and eighty-nine thousand, and seventy-five
125 is more than 075, so 125 mg is more than 075 mg.
i think its $ 0.075