577233 and 575233 respectively
Write down the numbers from 1000 to 9999.
It is 1000.
If you take away 1000 from 503000019 you get 502999019.If you add 1000 to 503000019 you get 503001019.
Just successively divide both numbers by the same numbers and make sure they are whole numbers... 305/1000 = 61/200
1,000,000,000,000,000 (one quadrillion).
Romar Entertainment was created in 2004.
Andreas Romar was born in 1989.
Romar Armas goes by GunnerX, and Gus.
1000 more is 577233 1000 less is 575233
577233 and 575233 respectively
Write down the numbers from 1000 to 9999.
The boiling point of water is 80°R in the Romar scale.
It is 1000.
If you take away 1000 from 503000019 you get 502999019.If you add 1000 to 503000019 you get 503001019.
Lorenzo Romar was born on November 13, 1958, in South Gate, California, USA.
Just successively divide both numbers by the same numbers and make sure they are whole numbers... 305/1000 = 61/200