It is 0.00012
1 12/1000 as a decimal is equal to 1.012.
12 and 24/1000 as a decimal is 12.024
12 thousandths = 0.12 in decimal
It is 0.00012
1 12/1000 as a decimal is equal to 1.012.
12 and 24/1000 as a decimal is 12.024
To write one hundred twenty thousandths, you would express it as 0.120. This is because the decimal point separates the whole number part (0) from the fractional part (120 thousandths). The zero before the decimal point indicates there are no whole numbers, and the 120 after the decimal point represents the thousandths place value.
how do you write the Fraction as a decimal 1 over 12
you write a decimal in fraction by example: 12/100 it is read as twelve hundredths as decimal is 0.12 or .12.
12 tenths as a decimal is 1.2