You can convert a percentage to a decimal by doing the complete opposite movement than converting a decimal to a percentage.
So, following the above statement of P -> D. We move two places to the left.
So 13% as a decimal is .13. You could also simply take the percentage and divide by 100.
13 ÷ 100 = .13
.13divide the number by 10013/100 = .13
To write 15.5 percent as a decimal, you divide the percent value by 100. So, 15.5 percent as a decimal is 0.155.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 13 percent is equal to 13/100 = 0.13.
13/25 to a decimal and a percent = 0.52; 52%
13% = 0.13 1% = 0.01 9% = 0.09 just divide by 100 when going from percent to decimal
.13divide the number by 10013/100 = .13
To convert a decimal to a percent, multiply it by 100. If that's 0.13, it equals 13%
56% = 0.56
65% = 0.65 = 65/100 = 13/20
To write 15.5 percent as a decimal, you divide the percent value by 100. So, 15.5 percent as a decimal is 0.155.
Well how you write 4 percent as a decimal is 0.04
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 13 percent is equal to 13/100 = 0.13.
13/25 to a decimal and a percent = 0.52; 52%
15.7 percent as a decimal is .157.
95 percent is 0.95 as a decimal.