16 thousandths is 0.016
16 and 299 thousandths (16.299) in standard form = 1.6299 × 101
16 and 2 thousandths (16.002) is expressed in standard form as: 1.6002 × 101
If you mean: 72 and 16/1000 then as a decimal it is 72.016 which is 7.2016*101 in standard form or scientific notation
16 and ten thousandths
16 thousandths is 0.016
16 thousandths = 0.016 in decimal
0.16 = 16 hundredths 0.016 = 16 thousandths
16 and 299 thousandths (16.299) in standard form = 1.6299 × 101
16 and 2 thousandths (16.002) is expressed in standard form as: 1.6002 × 101
If you mean: 72 and 16/1000 then as a decimal it is 72.016 which is 7.2016*101 in standard form or scientific notation
16 and ten thousandths
how do you put 16 thousandths in a decimal