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Q: How do you write 1 and 30 hundredths in decimal?
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1 and 18 hundredths = 1.18 in decimal

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1 hundreth is .01 56 hundredths is thus 0.56

How do you write eight hundredths of 1 percent with decimal point?

You can write 0.08% or 0.0008

Is the number 1 decimal 7 greater than the number 1 decimal 07?

1.7 > 1.07 1.7 = 1 and 7 tenths 1.07 = 1 and 7 hundredths 1 tenth = 10 hundredths 7 tenths = 70 hundredths > 7 hundredths.

How do you write twelve and fourteen hundredths in decimal form?

12.14 The whole-number part, 12, is the part left of the decimal point. The position first right of the decimal point is the tenths place; the position second right of the decimal point is the hundredths place. We can't write "14" in the single-column hundredths place. And in fact, 10 hundredths (10/100) is the same as one tenth (1/10), so we can write a "1" in the first position right of the decimal point to stand for the ten-hundredths portion of fourteen hundredths (10 of the 14 hundredths). And the remaining four hundredths (4/100) are indicated by the 4 in the hundredths place.

How do write four hundredths in decimal form?

4/100 = 0.04 In the decimal columns ; #1 column is tenths #2 column is hundredths #3 column is thousandths et.seq. Notice the use of '--ths'.

How would you write 7 tens 1 hundred and 30 hundredths?


How do you write twenty five hundredths in digits?

Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 0.25One way to convert fractions such as 'hundredths' to a decimal is to imagine thatthe '1' in 100 is represented by the decimal point, andfor each zero after the 1 you need a number after the decimal point.So, for 'hundredths' (100ths) you need two figures after the decimal point. i.e. x.nnTherefore 0.01 is one hundredth, 0.11 is eleven hundredths, and 0.25 is twenty five hundredths.

What is the decimal of fifty five hundredths?

55 hundredths as decimal = 0.5555 * 1/100 = 0.55

What is 1 over 3 as a decimal rounded to the nearest hundredths?


How do you write one and twelve hundredths as a fraction?

You would write it as 1 12/100 - which can be simplified if you so wish. Alternatively, you could write it as the decimal fraction: 1.12

How would you one hundredths in decimal form?

It is: 1/100 = 0.01 as a decimal