In this problem you're being asked to take a decimal and turn it into a fraction. We need only picture this as money to convert.
If this were money we would have $23.80. We know the whole number of dollars is 23, so this would be the whole number in our fraction. We still have 80 cents, which we know to be 80/100 (100 pennies makes a whole dollar). We can simplify the 80/100 by removing common zeros, which makes 80 become 8 and 100 become 10. So our last part becomes 8/10. Thus our current mixed number is 23 and 8/10.
Hold on though, 8/10 can be simplified further, otherwise this mixed number is an unsimplified fraction, which in many ways makes it still improper. 8/10 is the same as 4/5 (8/10)/(2/2) = (8/2)/(10/2) = 4/5. Therefore the proper simplified mixed number for 23.8 is 23 and 4/5
It is: 166 and 67/100 as a mixed number
It is: 3 and 9/100 as a mixed number
96.667 as a mixed number is 96667/1000
3.84375 as a mixed number is 327/32
19.17 as a mixed number is: 19 17/100
How do you write 250% as a mixed number
How do you write 0.259 as a mixed number.
There is no equivalent mixed number.
You write 2.875 as a mixed number as: 27/8
4650000 is an integer and there is no sensible way to write it as a mixed number.
Well, honey, if you want to write 2.03 as a mixed number, you gotta remember your fractions. 2.03 is the same as 2 whole units and 3 hundredths, so the mixed number would be 2 3/100. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
how do you write 17 and 6 in mixed number in simplest form
3.36 as mixed number = 39/25
96.1 as a mixed number = 961/10
It is 76 and 3/100 as a mixed number
It is 106 and 1/4 as a mixed number
It is: 166 and 67/100 as a mixed number