Three hundred sixteen is the word form of 316.
427,013 in expanded form math ELEMENTARY
write the word form and expanded form of the number four
You write in the numbers in words when you write in expanded.
0.297 in expanded form is 0.2 + 0.09 + 0.007
316 in expanded form is 300 + 10 + 6.
Three hundred sixteen is the word form of 316.
How do I write 87,192 in expanded form
427,013 in expanded form math ELEMENTARY
1billion in expanded form
0.6045 in expanded form is 0.6+0.004+0.0005 that the way to write 0.6045 in expanded form
write the word form and expanded form of the number four
You write in the numbers in words when you write in expanded.
It is 70+3
Expanded form means to separate each number out to its place in a place value chart or table. So with 12, the 1 is in the _____ place and the 2 is in the _____ place. So with 12, it's really 10 + 2.With 316, the 3 is in the ______ place, the 1 is in the _____ place, and the 6 is in the _____ place. So 316 would be _____ + ______ + ______.
0.564 = 0.5 + 0.06 + 0.004 in expanded form
10.0041 in expanded form = 10 + 0.004 + 0.0001