It is: 166 and 67/100 as a mixed number
It is: 3 and 9/100 as a mixed number
96.667 as a mixed number is 96667/1000
3.84375 as a mixed number is 327/32
407 is not prime. 407 = 11 * 37
To change 81.4 percent to a fraction, you first remove the percentage sign and divide by 100 to get 0.814. Then, you can express it as a fraction by writing it as 814/1000. Simplifying this fraction gives you 407/500. If you want to express it as a mixed number, you can divide 407 by 500 to get 0 with a remainder of 407, which translates to 0 407/500.
81.4% = 407/500
To write 407 tenths as a decimal, you need to divide 407 by 10 since there are 10 tenths in a whole number. The result of 407 divided by 10 is 40.7, which means 407 tenths is equal to 40.7 as a decimal.
How do you write 250% as a mixed number
How do you write 0.259 as a mixed number.
There is no equivalent mixed number.
You write 2.875 as a mixed number as: 27/8
4650000 is an integer and there is no sensible way to write it as a mixed number.
how do you write 17 and 6 in mixed number in simplest form
4.07 is four and seven hundredths 4 7/100 or 407/100
3.36 as mixed number = 39/25
96.1 as a mixed number = 961/10