400 = 4.0 × 102
You can write 444 just as it is...444. Or you can write it in word form which is, four hundred forty four you can also wright it in expanded form which would be 400+40+4.
How to write 64.218 in word form
Expanded form- let's say you have the number 432, you would write it out just how it is said 400+30+2 Word form- you just write it out four hundred thirty two
91 million 400 thousand how do you write it in standard form
400 = 4.0 × 102
You can write 444 just as it is...444. Or you can write it in word form which is, four hundred forty four you can also wright it in expanded form which would be 400+40+4.
It is: 400,000
How to write 64.218 in word form
400 + 80 + 3
It is: 400,000