thirty thousandths = 0.030 in decimal
Expressed as a decimal, 500/6000 is equal to 0.83 recurring (that is, 0.8333333..)
567 thousandths can be written as the decimal 0.567.
1.055 thousandths in decimal = 0.0010551.055/1000 = 0.001055
9000 thousandths = 9.0
As a decimal: 0.014 As a fraction: 14/1000 or 7/500
0.014 = 14/1000 = 7 / 500
You write 54 thousandths in decimal form as: 0.054
thirty thousandths = 0.030 in decimal
Expressed as a decimal, 500/6000 is equal to 0.83 recurring (that is, 0.8333333..)
Seven thousandths = 0.007 in decimal form.
As a decimal, 75 thousandths is .075
Seventy thousandths written as a decimal is 0.070
567 thousandths can be written as the decimal 0.567.
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! To write 500 as a decimal, you simply write it as 500.0. See how it has a decimal point and a zero after it? That's all there is to it, just a small change that brings a little joy to the number 500.
12 thousandths = 0.12 in decimal
3 and 852 thousandths as a decimal = 3.852