In word form, we write eighty-four and 2 tenths.In standard form, we simplify the expression to get 84.2.
zero and seventeen ten thousandths
"Four plus seven hundred and eleven" or "Four plus seven one one".
Six plus zero point eight plus zero point zero nine.
five plus eight hundredths plus four thousandths equals five and eighty four thousandths
In word form, we write eighty-four and 2 tenths.In standard form, we simplify the expression to get 84.2.
I donβt know
3 + 0.01 + 0.006 = 3.016 in word form = three a nd sixtee n thousa ndths
zero and seventeen ten thousandths
"Four plus seven hundred and eleven" or "Four plus seven one one".
Six plus zero point eight plus zero point zero nine.
two hundred plus fifty plus five equals two hundred fifty-five
five plus eight hundredths plus four thousandths equals five and eighty four thousandths
three plus one tenth plus six thousandths equals three and one hundred and six thousandths
The number .0007 is seven ten-thousandths.
Look at the progression as we move decimal point to the right.1 = One.1 = One tenth.01 = One hundredth.001 = One thousandth.0001 = One ten thousandth.0007 = Seven ten thousandths