To write 7.15 as a mixed number, you can break it down into a whole number and a fraction. The whole number is 7, and the fraction part is 15/100. Simplifying the fraction gives you 3/20. Therefore, 7.15 can be written as the mixed number 7 3/20 or the improper fraction 143/20.
7.015 = 715/1000 = 73/200 which cannot be simplified further.
7.15 as a fraction = 715/100 or 143/20
7 and 15/100 or 715/100
Neither of them are fractions, they are both integers. 715 is bigger.
7.015 = 715/1000 = 73/200 which cannot be simplified further.
7.15 as a fraction = 715/100 or 143/20
7 and 15/100 or 715/100
7.15 = 715/100 = 73/20
Neither of them are fractions, they are both integers. 715 is bigger.
It is 11916666/100000 which is nearly 715/6.
Seven hundred fifteen.
5 x 11 x 13 = 715
To express 715 as a decimal, you simply write it as 715.0. This is because whole numbers can be represented as decimals by adding a decimal point followed by a zero. In this case, 715 remains the same when written as a decimal, as there are no fractions or decimal portions to consider.