1mm = .001 meter 800mm = .8 meter
To write 800,000 in words, you would write "eight hundred thousand." This is because 800 represents eight hundred, and adding the additional three zeros after the 800 signifies the thousands. So, 800,000 is read as eight hundred thousand.
three million, ten thousand, and eight hundred
USA 4,050,800,000 EU 4 050 800 000 Usually we don't use the word "and" until we need the decimal point. So, I was surprised that the last word was not thousandth .
800% = 80,000
eight hundred
1mm = .001 meter 800mm = .8 meter
To write 800,000 in words, you would write "eight hundred thousand." This is because 800 represents eight hundred, and adding the additional three zeros after the 800 signifies the thousands. So, 800,000 is read as eight hundred thousand.
Three million, ten thousand, eight hundred.
Three million, ten thousand, eight hundred .
three million, ten thousand, and eight hundred
800 million= 800 000 000.
USA 4,050,800,000 EU 4 050 800 000 Usually we don't use the word "and" until we need the decimal point. So, I was surprised that the last word was not thousandth .
To convert 800 into a fraction, you can simply write it as 800/1. This is because any whole number can be expressed as itself over 1. So, 800 as a fraction is 800/1.
It is: 800 = DCCC
800% = 80,000
Oh, what a happy little question! To write 800 as a decimal, you simply write it as 800.0. See, decimals are just a way to show parts of a whole number, and in this case, 800 is the whole number with no parts. Just remember, there are no mistakes in decimals, only happy little accidents!