According to when that question was asked, the answer would have been "today."
Answer : TODAY as today is 29th may 2013
By deleting the first and last letter of FIVE it becomes IV which is a Roman numeral for four.
It is the same thing as adding without a yahoo id
2 * 2 * 2 * 2 It's not possible to make 16 without using the same numbers twice or without using whole numbers.
Today which is the 28th May 2011
Answer : TODAY as today is 29th may 2013
By deleting the first and last letter of FIVE it becomes IV which is a Roman numeral for four.
It is the same thing as adding without a yahoo id
thirty thousand
2 * 2 * 2 * 2 It's not possible to make 16 without using the same numbers twice or without using whole numbers.
whats means a supports a main idea by providing clear evidence or proof without using numbers
whats means a supports a main idea by providing clear evidence or proof without using numbers
To write 24 January 2014 in 5 letters without using numbers kindly write 24.1.14.
using max function
Given that this question was originally asked on January 11, 2012, the answer would have been "today."