Well, honey, you write ninety nine in standard form as 99. That's it. No fancy footwork needed for this one. Just two little digits standing side by side, ready to take on the world.
1,507,099 in short word form is 1 million, 507 thousand and 99.
I suppose you mean 1099. If you write it out, you get a 1, followed by 99 zeroes.
The number 99 would be spelled ninety-nine.
100 billion minus 1 million is 99 billion 999 million. In standard form it is expressed as: 99,999,000,000
Well, honey, you write ninety nine in standard form as 99. That's it. No fancy footwork needed for this one. Just two little digits standing side by side, ready to take on the world.
1,507,099 in short word form is 1 million, 507 thousand and 99.
0.9 million in standard form is 900,000. This is because one million is equal to 1,000,000, so 0.9 million is 0.9 multiplied by 1,000,000, which equals 900,000. In standard form, numbers are expressed as a coefficient multiplied by a power of 10, with the decimal point placed after the first non-zero digit.
I suppose you mean 1099. If you write it out, you get a 1, followed by 99 zeroes.
99 hundredths in decimal form = 0.99
The number 99 would be spelled ninety-nine.
99 hundreds, 10 tens,4 ones
99/100 is the simplest form this can be written in.