26 out of 100 in decimal form is 0.26
49 over 100, in decimal form is 0.49; the rest of the question does not make sense.
40/50 = 80/100 = 0.80 The decimal form is what you get when you type 40/50 in your calculator
100 out of 100 is 1
26 out of 100 in decimal form is 0.26
97 over 100 in decimal form is 0.97
54 over 100 or (54/100) in decimal = 0.54
49 over 100, in decimal form is 0.49; the rest of the question does not make sense.
40/50 = 80/100 = 0.80 The decimal form is what you get when you type 40/50 in your calculator
100 out of 100 is 1
254/100 as a decimal is 2.54
It is 0.99 as a decimal.
56/100 written as a decimal is 0.56
In decimal form, it is 0.06.