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Q: How do you write a code to complement the corresponding bit in bx if AX contains 6complement the 6th bit of BX in assembly?
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What kind of complement is that novel became on overnight bestseller?

That sentence contains a subject complement, where "became" links the subject "novel" with the predicate nominative "an overnight bestseller."

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Does a sentence containing a linking verb also has a subject complement?

Yes, a sentence with a linking verb will often have a subject complement. The subject complement renames or describes the subject and is connected to it by the linking verb.

What term in geometry is in this definition Two figures are similar if and only if they have all their corresponding scale factor are congruentand all their corresponding are proportional?

Not sure about geometry but the definition contains a redundant repetition.

What is .net assembly?

A .Net assembly is a self-contained package of code and/or resources. It contains a manifest that describes the contents of the assembly, along with dependencies. They typically end with the ".dll" file type.

What is an assembly of protons and neutrons within an atom called?

An assembly of protons and neutrons within an atom is called a nucleus. It is the central part of an atom that contains most of the mass of the atom and is positively charged due to the protons it contains.

How many members are there in the National Assembly of Nigeria?

The National Assembly of Nigeria contains 360 members in the House of Representatives and a further 109 members of the Senate.

What is difference between manifest and meta data?

menifest also reffered to as assembly metadata(data about data),contains all information related to assembly like identity section,version number,strong name (optional), menifest contains information related to the identification assembly or it is a part of assembly where assembly is self describing. metadata is the information that enables components to be self is used to describe which class is used,function,methods,fields ....So it is the data about data.

The fertilized egg of a human contains how many chromosomes?

A fertilized egg of a human contains 46 chromosomes, with 23 coming from the egg and 23 from the sperm.

What is legislative body in the state of Illinois called?

The main body of the legislative branch is the General Assembly. It contains the Senate and House of Representatives of the state.

What does the complement of a set mean?

The complement of a set "A" is another set - call it "B" - that contains all the elements (of the universe under consideration) which are NOT in set "A". The "universe" must be specified (or implied), since concepts like the "set of all sets" are known to cause contradictions. For example, if the universe is all the people living in my country, and set "A" is all male people, then the "complement" would be the female people.