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Q: How do you write a multiple choice question?
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What is a multiple choose question?

A multiple choice question is simply a question with a variety of answers usually four answer but there could be more

How is a multiple choice question structured?

A multiple choice question comprises a question followed by a number - usually 4 or 5 - of which only one is correct and the others are not. The candidate has to select the correct one.

What difficulties met in constructing multiple choice?

The difficulties in constructing multiple choice is determined by how easy or hard a question can be. For example, If the value of a question is set at low, it means that this question is hard whereas a high value question is easy.

What do you mean by multiple-choice question?

A multiple choice question is: A) a test question which gives you a choice of four or five possible answers B) set up rather like this answer, with each possibility labeled with a letter C) the form of question on Who Wants to be a Millionaire? D) easy to answer if you are a good guesser even if you don't know the subject E) all of the above The answer is, of course, E.

Should a multiple choice question be considered an open ended question?

No. Actually, yes and no. It would be the other way around though, the open ended question being a multiple choice question. Most, if not all, open ended questions are based on the answerer's opinion, and would contain more than one set answer. This would make the question, while still being open ended, a multiple choice question. To clarify, use the following example: Q: "Who is the best movie actor and why are they the best?" A: Multiple. All based on opinion. (I pick Sean Connery, David Tennant, and Matt Smith (I know that he is not in any movies, at least none in the US, but he still is an actor); this makes my answer a multiple choice answer; as for why, They just play their parts magnificently. You see, the example question could have more than one answer, which makes it multiple choice (or close to it) but asks the answerer to elaborate on why they think thus.

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Depends on the multiple choice question

What is the correct answer in a multiple-choice question is likely to be?

The correct answer to a multiple choice question depends on the question. The correct answer is not a random event!

Where is the multiple choice question on Howrse?

All of the riding level tests have multiple choice questions. Multiple choice means there is more than one answer to the question to choose from.

What is an answer stem?

An answer stem is the part of a multiple-choice question that presents the initial information or prompt to which the answer choices are related. It typically poses a question or incomplete statement that the test-taker must respond to by selecting the correct answer choice.

How do you write an answers to a question?

Become a supervisor. Or start a conversation with one. Questions which invade people's privacy, for example. are to be removed, so if you point it out to a super it will be taken care of.

Can you give a sentence using the word multiple?

this is a multiple choice question

What is a multiple choice question?

A multiple choice question is a question in which there is a selection of right and wrong answers given and you must choose the correct one, of which there is always at least one. Some tests may be specified as having multiple multiple choice questions in which one or more of the answers given may be correct.

What is a multiple choose question?

A multiple choice question is simply a question with a variety of answers usually four answer but there could be more

Which types of questions are on the SAT?

Multiple-choice, essay, and write-in

Which of these contains the correct answer in a multiple-choice question?

The responses

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What does NOT describe occasional anxiety It is manageable?

The answer could be anything! "It is purple" does NOT describe occasional anxiety....If you want to write a multiple choice question you must include all of the choices in the question for it to be answered.