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Q: How do you write a program in python that solves quadratic equations?
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Too complex to show here as a Wiki.Answer hoy pareha ta way i answer.......... pag sure uie.........

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It solves a system of equations. Think of the 2X2 case of having X+Y=1 and 3X+2Y=6.

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The person or program that solves the equation does.

Is there any free downloadable software that solves simultaneous equations?

I think this ( one might handle it... ''(Please feel free to delete this answer if it dosn't.)''

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I see something like this and I use the quadratic formula, which solves all quadratic equations. Discriminant, by inspection, looks good for two real roots. X = -b +/- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)/2a a = -3 b = -1 c = 2 X = -(-1) +/- sqrt[(-1)^2 - 4(-3)(2)]/2(-3) X = 1 +/- sqrt(25)/-6 X = {1 +/- 5}/-6 X = -1 X = 2/3 My TI-84 confirms these values for X

What are the difference between matlab and c language?

Matlab is a scripting and mathematical language processor for working with mathematical equations. C is a structured programming language for writing programs. Those programs can contain mathematical equations, but they won't be in quite the same format that you're used to from math class. Matlab will solve and equation for you. C will allow you to write a program that solves the equation. C++ is an object-oriented version of C. matlab and simulink let us design,simulate,implement & test a variety of time varying system

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