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Q: How do you write a word problem with integers?
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Write a problem involving the addition or multiplication of two integers with different signs?

"What is 3*(-5)" would be such a problem.

How do you write a word problem?

just write it like you like pie

Will this site help someone attempting mathematically to write a word problem?

Someone that is attempting to write a word problem, needs to write it out in numbers first. From there, figure out what kind of products you will use, and write out sentences with numbers.

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How do you write problem in Hawaiian?

The word you seek is pilikia.

How do you write 999.6 in three signifacant figure?

It is 1000. This is the problem with integers ending in 0. There is no way to tell if any of the training 0s are significant.

What is another way to write the problem?

Avoid the negativity of the word problem with the word situation. As in: there is not a problem to be solved so much as there is a situation that needs to be dealt with.

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bytes integers long integers short integers word double word strings

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What do I do when something says write a story problem that includes both integers -8 and 12?

Write a mathematical question involving -8 and 12, for example: What two numbers add to -8 and multiply to 12?

Why is the problem with having a base eleven number system?

There is no real problem. Everyone would need to re-learn how to write numbers other than the integers 0 to 9 and the new integer X.

How do you add integers with different signs?

1. Take the absolute values of those two integers.2. Find the difference.3. Determine which integer is the largest. If that integer is positive, then the answer is positive. If that integer is negative, then the answer is negative.