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"What is 3*(-5)" would be such a problem.

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Q: Write a problem involving the addition or multiplication of two integers with different signs?
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Related questions

What property links multiplication and addition?

The set of integers is closed with respect to multiplication and with respect to addition.

Which operations on integers are commutative?

Addition and multiplication are operations on integers that are commutative.

What operations are closed for integers?

Addition, subtraction and multiplication.

How does multiplication of integers compared to addition or subtraction of integers?

Multiplication is the same as repeated addition. For example 12 * 3 = 12 + 12 + 12 12 * 4 = 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 and so on.

Is the set of even integers closed under addition and multiplication?


Which of the basic rules of arithmetic are true when you restrict the number system to the positive integers?

Closure with respect to addition and multiplication. Cummutative, Associative properties of addition and of multiplication. Distributive property of multiplication over addition.

What is the set of whole numbers closed by?

If you mean the set of non-negative integers ("whole numbers" is a bit ambiguous in this sense), it is closed under addition and multiplication. If you mean "integers", the set is closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication.

Why are odd integers closed under multiplication but not under addition?

The numbers are not closed under addition because whole numbers, even integers, and natural numbers are closed.

What is the fundamental operation of integers?

Parenthesis Exponent Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction PEMDAS ( the multiplication and division is based on which of them comes FIRST )

What is the integer rule for combining integers with different signs?

The answer depends on which binary operation you mean when you say "combining". Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, etc.

How could you use addition subtraction division and multiplication of integers outside the classroom?

When you do your homework at home.

What is the distributive property of addition over multiplication for integers?

Addition is not distrbutive over multiplication. In general,a + (b*c) ≠ (a+b)*(a+c) [unless a+b+c = 1]