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A complex number comes in two parts: a real part and an imaginary part. If the value of the real part is a and the value of the imaginary part is b, the number is written as a + bi.

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Q: How do you write complex numbers in the form a plus bi?
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Do the complex numbers for a group under binary operation ' plus '?

Yes, the complex numbers, as well as the real numbers which are a subset of the complex numbers, form groups under addition.

Is a complex number a number that can be written in the form a plus bi where a and b are real numbers?

Yes, a+bi is standard form for a complex number. The numbers (a) and (b) are both real and i is √(-1)

What is a number that can be written in the form a plus bi where a and b are real numbers?

A number of the form (a + bi) is a complex number.

A complex number is a number of the form a plus bi where?

"a + bi" is a common way to write a complex number. Here, "a" and "b" are real numbers.Another common way to write a complex number is in polar coordinates - basically specifying the distance from zero, and an angle.

Are all rational numbers plus all irrational numbers complex numbers?

no its real numbers

How can you write each number in stardard form example 300000 plus 70000 plus 1000 plus 500 plus 10?

Standard form is the sum of all the numbers in the expanded form. Using the example, the standard form for the expansion of that number would be 371,510.

What complex number is a number of the form a plus bi where?

"a + bi" is a common way to write a complex number. Here, "a" and "b" are real numbers.Another common way to write a complex number is in polar coordinates - basically specifying the distance from zero, and an angle.

How do you write in standard form 700000000 plus 40000 plus 500 plus 60 plus 6?

The answer is 700,040,566. That other form is not much good to express numbers with, its soul purpose being to show place value.

How do write a program in c plus plus for addition and subtraction of two complex numbers?

#include<iostream>#include<complex> int main () { using namespace std; complex a {1, 1}; complex b {42, 2}; cout a << " + " << b << " = " << a + b << endl; cout a << " - " << b << " = " << a - b << endl; }

What is a non real complex number?

Complex numbers are written in the form (a+bi), where i is the square root of -1.A real number does not have any reference to i in it.A non real complex number is going to be a complex number with a non-zero value for b, so any number that requires you to write the number i is going to be an answer to your question.2+2i for example. (2 plus 2 times i)

The conjugate of complex numbers 3 plus 2j is?


If a and b are any real numbers what is the conjugate of a plus b?

The concept of conjugate is usually used in complex numbers. If your complex number is a + bi, then its conjugate is a - bi.