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(-4)3 = (-4)*(-4)*(-4) = -4*4*4

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Q: How do you write negative 4 to the third power in factored form?
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How do you write 5.310 to the negative third power in standard notation?

5.310 to the negative third power in standard notation = 0.00531 * * * * * Actually, that is 5.310*10-3 which may have been what you were looking for. However, the answer to the question, as asked, is 5.310-3 = 1/5.3103 = 1/149.72 = 0.006679 (approx).

How do you write the third power of x?

The normal way to write this is: x3 (meaning x cubed / x to the third power).

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Five to the negative 4th power = 5-4 = 625

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It's hard to write this on a typewriter keyboard. Do you mean xb + (1-x)b , or xb + 1 - xb , or maybe even x(b+1) - xb ? The first cannot be factored. The second equals 1, so it is already prime (cannot be factored). The third could be written as xb(x) - xb(1), so there is a common factor of xb, and the expression can be factored as xb(x-1). This is prime.

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The third power.

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The answer is 2 to the third power.

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The Answer is 0.00000000047

How do I write 5.8 and times to the third power?

If you mean to the 3rd power then 5.8^3 = 195.112

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103 = 1,000

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3.14 x 10 to the negative 4th power in standard notation is: 0.000314

How do you write 4 to the third power?

43 is the conventional way. You could always evaluate it and write 64.