To write the numbers 168 thousand 15 hundreds into a number, it would be 169,500. There is another ways to write it depending on if you want decimals, 168,00.15.
9743, 8755, 6721, 4789
With numbers and acronyms, use an apostrophe s. When in doubt, you can always spell it out.
How to write thirty one hundred thousand in number
948 700/1000
if you go to the insert, symbols selection tab, there should be hundreds and hundreds of symbols in there. I'm sure some of them are Egyptian numbers:)
one hundred hundreds = 100,000 or one hundred thousand.
701 723 745 767
To write the numbers 168 thousand 15 hundreds into a number, it would be 169,500. There is another ways to write it depending on if you want decimals, 168,00.15.
9743, 8755, 6721, 4789
How do you write thirty-one million in numbers