forty six and one hundred five - hundred thousandths
Three hundred forty one thousandths
The word form is: fifty-nine thousand eight hundred eleven hundred-thousandths.
The word form is: four and one hundred ninety-six thousandths.
nine hundred and six thousandths.
forty six and one hundred five - hundred thousandths
Three hundred forty one thousandths
Seven hundred thousandths (0.700) in expanded form = (0 x 1) + (7/10) + (0/100) + (0/1000)
One-thousand three-hundred forty-five hundred-thousandths.
Two and six-hundred thousandths (2.600) in expanded form is: (2 x 1) + (6/10) + (0/100) + (0/1000)
The word form is: fifty-nine thousand eight hundred eleven hundred-thousandths.
209.106 is two hundred nine and one hundred six thousandths in word form, and 200 + 98 + 0.1 + 0.006 in expanded form.