It is: 15/44 as a decimal is 0.34'09' recurring '09'
09 in Roman Numerals is written as IX
It is: 15/44 as a decimal is 0.34'09' recurring '09'
09 in Roman Numerals is written as IX
00001001 can be written as 0000 1001 which is hex 09 and hence has a decimal value of 9
The expanded form of 6.59027 is 6 + .5 + .09 + .000 + .0002 + .00007. Expanding decimal numbers is essentially taking the what the whole number equals in relation to the decimal place values.
900 is a whole number and cannot be written as a decimal.
The date 09-27-1988 can be written in Roman numerals as IX.XXVII.MCMLXXXVIII