Write it over one hundred. 0.57 = 57/100
49 over 100, in decimal form is 0.49; the rest of the question does not make sense.
The fraction 81/100 can be expressed as the decimal .81.
54 over 100 means that there is 54 parts of the whole. Therefore: 54%
Fraction: 99/100 Decimal: 0.99
Write it over one hundred. 0.57 = 57/100
To write 9 percent as a fraction, you first convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing by 100. So, 9 percent is equal to 0.09 as a decimal. Then, you can write this decimal as a fraction by placing 0.09 over 1 and simplifying if necessary. Therefore, 9 percent as a fraction is 9/100.
you write a decimal in fraction by example: 12/100 it is read as twelve hundredths as decimal is 0.12 or .12.
Convert the fraction into a decimal. Multiply the decimal by 100.
49 over 100, in decimal form is 0.49; the rest of the question does not make sense.
The fraction 81/100 can be expressed as the decimal .81.
Write the number before the decimal point as the whole number and the bit after the decimal point as a fraction over 100, then reduce to lowest terms: 9.45 = 945/100 = 99/20
To express .91 as a fraction, we can write it as 91/100. This is because the decimal .91 can be converted to a fraction by placing the digits after the decimal point (91) over the place value of the last digit (100). Therefore, .91 as a fraction is 91/100.
54 over 100 means that there is 54 parts of the whole. Therefore: 54%
Fraction: 99/100 Decimal: 0.99
9% = 0.09 as a decimal and 9/100 as a fraction.
0.07 is a decimal; fraction is 7/100.