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Infinity is not a number, it's a philosophical concept. You can't count up to it. The mathematical symbol is like an "8" on its side.

Infinity =

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Q: How do you write the number infinity in numbers?
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Related questions

What is a finite number?

All real numbers are finite. Infinity is not a number.All real numbers are finite. Infinity is not a number.All real numbers are finite. Infinity is not a number.All real numbers are finite. Infinity is not a number.

How do you write infinity?

you write the number infinity like an eight on its side

Is infinity just one number are or all the numbers?

Infinity is a term used to denote something with no end. Numbers are infinite as no matter what number you can think of you can always up that number by 1. Thus numbers span into infinity. Infinity itself is not a number.

Why is infinity the number symbol?

Infinity is not "the" number symbol. It is simply a symbol that represent the limit of very large numbers and saves people from having to write that long phrase every time.

Is half of some number infinite?

If you can write the number, then any fraction of it and any multiple of it are all numbers, and none of them is infinite. On the other hand ... any fraction of infinity and any multiple of infinity is infinite.

What about infinity plus one?

Infinity isn't a number, so you cannot add another number to it. Infinity is unlimite numbers.

Is infinity divided by infinity 1?

Infinity is not a defined number. It describes, in math, the endlessness of numbers.

How many numbers are there on a single number line?

A number line stretches out for infinity. So, infinity.

How are natural and whole number different?

whole numbers include numbers from 0 to infinity whereas natural numbers are the numbers from 1 to infinity

Is there an end to numbers?

No there isn't. Some people say that infinity is the last number but what about infinity and one and infinity and two? So basically there is no end to numbers. To infinity and beyond!

can ever numbers end is infinity a number?


What is the biggest number before infinity?

Infinity is not a number, and there is no "biggest number" since numbers increase in size forever.The biggest number with an English name is called "Graham's number" and it is too large to write down, even in scientific notation.