The French word for 31 is trente et un. The French word for thirty-first is trente et unième - take note of the grave accent in the word unième.
the thirty first
vingt-et-un heures et demie
deux cents et trente-quatre is how you say two hundred and thirty four.===========================================escusez moi ... the question asked "How do you write ... "Allow moi: ' 234 '.Merci.
Thirty in French is "Trente" pronounced "tront"
the thirty first
vingt-et-un heures et demie
Thirty in french is trente
deux cents et trente-quatre is how you say two hundred and thirty four.===========================================escusez moi ... the question asked "How do you write ... "Allow moi: ' 234 '.Merci.
Thirty in French is "Trente" pronounced "tront"
9h30 -- unless you mean 9:30 pm, in which case it would be 21h30.
The way to write 33 is Thirty-three. You would write Thirty-three dollars. You could also write Thirty-three dollars and 00 cents.
How do you write thirty-one million in numbers
Four Hundred and thirty eightor438
The first name Anna is spelled the same in French.
at twelve thirty