A Gantt chart is a bar chart, but a bar chart is not necessarily a Gantt chart.
Bar chart is a much wider decription. It like asking "What's the difference between a fruit and an apple?". The apple is a fruit, but a fruit doesn't have to be an apple...
Although the terms are often used as synonyms they are not the same. A Gantt chart is a specific type of bar chart. Gantt did not invent the bar chart, the concept of bar charts pre-date Gantt's work by at least a century. The erroneous description of a bar chat as a Gantt chart and the belief that Gantt invented the bar chart probably results from the decision of Microsoft, in 1984/1985, to misname the bar chart view in its scheduling tool Microsoft Project as a Gantt chart. See 'Where did the Misuse of the names Gantt and PERT Originate?'. P Weaver. PM World Journal, Vol. II, Issue IV, (April 2013).
Tasks are usually show on a gantt chart, as well as the people who are assigned to the task, and of course the duration (starting date and end date). Gantt charts also display the dependencies between tasks.
Differentiate between simple bar chart, multiple bar chart and component bar chart with examples
A gantt chart is like a bar chart. It is often used to indicate periods of time in a project or schedule. It can show graphically how long something is expected to take, or when something is due to start and finish. It can also show how these things are related to each other, like how one thing must be complete before something else can begin. So if you are building a house, you could show how long it is expected to lay the foundations, which will give you an idea of when the building of the walls will begin. This could then help you to decide how soon you need to order the bricks for the wall.You can use gantt charts to show things like when your holidays begin and end, or to plan your day, by showing how many hours you will spend doing various activities. There are lots of uses for gantt charts.
It's a stacked bar chart.
Although the terms are often used as synonyms they are not the same. A Gantt chart is a specific type of bar chart. Gantt did not invent the bar chart, the concept of bar charts pre-date Gantt's work by at least a century. The erroneous description of a bar chat as a Gantt chart and the belief that Gantt invented the bar chart probably results from the decision of Microsoft, in 1984/1985, to misname the bar chart view in its scheduling tool Microsoft Project as a Gantt chart. See 'Where did the Misuse of the names Gantt and PERT Originate?'. P Weaver. PM World Journal, Vol. II, Issue IV, (April 2013).
The Gantt Chart gets its name from its inventor Henry Gantt which he made in 1930. The Gantt Chart is a bar chart that illustrates project schedules. They are used for any projects that involve resource, milestones, effort, and deliveries.
The Gantt chart was invented in the early twentieth century. It is a bar graph that shows start and end dates for projects.
Tasks are usually show on a gantt chart, as well as the people who are assigned to the task, and of course the duration (starting date and end date). Gantt charts also display the dependencies between tasks.
A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a schedule you have set for a project. They were first developed in the years 1910-1915. However, the first traces of these charts were noticed around 1896.
Gantt chart is a tool which is useful in scheduling the various activities of a project in the form of horizontal bar graph where as CPM provides a graphical view and network of events and activities in chronological manner.
A bar graph IS a chart.A bar graph IS a chart.A bar graph IS a chart.A bar graph IS a chart.
PERT chart is a technique for scheduling a project based on individual tasks or activities whereas Gantt Chart is a bar chart that represents the tasks and activities of the project schedule.Source: Satzinger, J., Jackson, R., Burd, S. "Systems Analysis and Design in a changing world" Fifth Edition, Cengage Learning, Boston.
A bar graph IS a chart.A bar graph IS a chart.A bar graph IS a chart.A bar graph IS a chart.
In Excel a Gantt chart is the equivalent of a bar chart. Having put in the data you need into the spreadsheet, you then start the Chart Wizard, by either going to the Insert menu and picking the Chart option or clicking on the Chart Wizard icon on the standard toolbar. Then you can pick the bar chart and continue with the process of creating your chart with the Chart Wizard. There are various options you can pick. Which ones you use will be down to your own preferences.
A Gantt chart represents activities as horizontal bars displayed beneath a time scale, with the name of the activity in a list on the left. Each bar shows when an activity will begin and end. Henry Gantt invented the charts that bear his name in 1910, creating them by hand using drawing tools and poster board. These days, Gantt charts are created using project management software, such as Microsoft Project or Open Workbench, based on a work breakdown structure and project schedule. Many modern software tools also represent dependencies among tasks, borrowed from the PERT chart.
Differentiate between simple bar chart, multiple bar chart and component bar chart with examples