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Q: How does a cartesian diver work?
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How does the density of the air change in the Cartesian Diver experiment?

As the "diver" descends, air density inside the diver's capsule increases as it is compressed.

Why do free-divers sink at depth?

The cartesian diver sinks because the diver wants to get to a place of low pressure

Would a candle tied to a paperclip work as a Cartesian diver?

The answer is no, because a Cartesian diver requires an air pocket that can be compressed. By compressing this air pocket the air molecules get closer together and change the density of the vessel that they are in. This causes it to sink. candles do not have air pockets, so there would be nothing to compress.

What is a Cartesian Diver most known for?

The Cartesian Diver is actually a scientific experiment. It helps divers determine what amount of air is needed for descent and ascent so that neither is done too quickly which can cause death.

Why are Cartesian Diver called Cartesian divers?

Cartesian divers are named after French philosopher and scientist René Descartes. The divers demonstrate principles of buoyancy and pressure in fluid mechanics that Descartes contributed to understanding. The diver's movement within the fluid is a visual representation of these principles.

A Cartesian diver made from a plastic bottle filled with water and an inverted test tube partially filled with water What causes the diver to sink as the bottle is squeezed?

"The volume of air in the diver decreases."

What is a Cartesian Diver and how does it work?

A Cartesian Diver is a simple experiment using a small object, like an eyedropper, partially filled with water and placed in a bottle filled with water. By compressing the bottle, the pressure increases, causing the object to sink. Releasing the pressure causes the object to float back up due to the change in buoyancy. This demonstrates the relationship between pressure, volume, and density.

How does pascals principle help explain the behavior of the cartesian diver?

Pascal's principle states that a change in pressure at any point in an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to all points in the fluid. This principle helps explain the behavior of the Cartesian diver, as the change in pressure when the diver is squeezed causes the enclosed air to compress and the diver to sink, and when pressure is released, the compressed air expands, causing the diver to rise.

How does pascal principle help explain the behavior of the cartesian diver?

Pascal's principle states that a change in pressure at any point in an enclosed fluid is transmitted equally to all points in the fluid. In the case of a Cartesian diver, when you apply pressure to the container, the pressure is transmitted to the fluid inside, causing the diver to compress and sink. When you release the pressure, the diver expands and rises due to the equal distribution of pressure in the fluid, demonstrating Pascal's principle in action.

The picture shows a Cartesian diver made from a plastic bottle filled with water and an inverted test tube partially filled with water. What causes the diver to sink as the bottle is squeezed?

The volume of air in the driver decrease.

Who is the french mathematician that invented Cartesian coordinate plane?

Rene Descartes, the surname means ( some charts or some maps) Descartes theorized than any equation can be expressed in graphical form, form follows family names! Descartes and the Cartesian idea became associated with the Cartesian diver, a toy deep-see diver that rises and falls owing to buoyancy and openings in the diver figure. It is probable this came along long after the death of M Descartes, but was bestowed in an honorary fashion- as were many of the (Inventions) of Leonardo Da Vinc i and closer to home, Franklin.

How does pascal's principle help explain the behavior of the cartesians diver?

Pascal's principle states that when pressure is applied to a confined fluid, it is transmitted equally in all directions. In the Cartesian diver toy, squeezing the bottle increases the pressure inside, causing the diver to sink as the higher pressure compresses the air in the diver. Releasing the pressure allows the air to expand, making the diver float back to the surface.