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Rene Descartes, the surname means ( some charts or some maps) Descartes theorized than any equation can be expressed in graphical form, form follows family names! Descartes and the Cartesian idea became associated with the Cartesian diver, a toy deep-see diver that rises and falls owing to buoyancy and openings in the diver figure. It is probable this came along long after the death of M Descartes, but was bestowed in an honorary fashion- as were many of the (Inventions) of Leonardo Da Vinc i and closer to home, Franklin.

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Q: Who is the french mathematician that invented Cartesian coordinate plane?
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Why he invented cartesian coordinate?

The Cartesian coordinate plane was invented by the French mathematician Rene Descartes for plotting geometrical lines and shapes on it.

Cartesian coordinate plane invented?

Rene Descartes, the French mathematician and philosopher.

Who introduced the cartesian coordinate syatem?

It was the French mathematician Rene Descartes who devised the Cartesian coordinate system

Where did the cartesian coordinate system come from?

A French mathematician surnamed Descartes.

Who introduced the cartesian coordinate system?

It was the French mathematician Rene Descartes.

Who is proponent of cartesian coordinate system?

It was created by the French mathematician Rene Descartes

Who was the founder of the cartesian coordinate system?

The French mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes.

Who devised the caratesian coordinate system?

It was the French mathematician Rene Descartes who devised the cartesian coordinate system.

Who invented or formulated the cartesian plane?

It was the French mathematician Rene Descartes

Who is the coordinate plane named after?

The plane is called the Cartesian plane after Rene Descartes, the French philosopher and mathematician.

Who is the french philosopher and mathematician that first devised the coordinate system?

The idea of Cartesian coordinates was the brainchild of the French mathematician and philosopher Rene' Descartes in the early 17th century.

What is the history of the Cartesian plane?

If you mean who invented it a french mathematician named Rene Descartes invented it.