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Q: How does a cine spinner work in simple terms?
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Copyright, in simple terms, means the right to make copies or to perform a copyrighted work in public. Violations are called "infringement" and can get you sued if not also indicted on a federal crime.

Do spinners work for rainbow trout in lakes?

Yes they work great use a spinner with a worm on it for best results.

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It increased the number of threads the home spinner could work with.

How did the water frame revolutionize the production of clothing?

It increased the number of threads the home spinner could work with.

What is an economic compliment?

Compliments are goods that work well in conjuction with one another ( in simple terms they go together) e.g. Pen and Paper

How does hot air balloon travel work?

In very simple terms, hot air is lighter than cold air, so it rises.

How does a business card reader work?

In the simplest terms, most electronic business card readers work on a simple scanning function to read and save the information printed on the card itself.

Shadow spinner answers for reading log?

We can't give you answers to your homework. We will provide you with support or suggestions but not do your work.

What does the word preliminary mean?

Preliminary stage means that a task is in a preparatory phase or in simple terms still a work in progress.

What is work in simple word?

work does not have a simple word its the simplest

What kind of simple machine is a toothbrush?

A toothbrush is not a simple machine, it does not work on the principle of levers, effort, and load. It's not a machine at all in mathematical terms. A "machine" is that which performs "work", i.e. transfers or converts energy. You arm moving the toothbrush is a machine by this definition, however.