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Q: How does a model describe known data and predict future data?
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A model is a visual or mathematical representation used to develop scientific explanations. It must conform to known experimental results and predict future experiment results accurately.

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It's difficult to predict, isn't it, because we cannot predict what that new information might prove to be.

What is a a mathematical model?

A model that lets you predict things-

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The model that scientists use to describe air circulation in Earth's atmosphere is called the Global Circulation Model (GCM). These models simulate the interactions between the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and ice to predict climate patterns and changes.

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The three subatomic models are the plum pudding model, the nuclear model, and the current model known as the quantum mechanical model. These models describe the structure of the atom and the arrangement of subatomic particles within it.

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Arima can be defined as an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model is a generalization of an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model. There models are fitted to time series data either to better understand the data and to predict future points in the series of forecasting

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What is known as physics?

Physics is the science of modelling the universe around us in an attempt to understand the universe, and to predict its behavior, by examining and manipulating the model. . For example, a common model in physics is the mathematical equation: . F = ma. . This model (an equation can be a model) accurately and completely predicts what force is needed ('F') to accelerate ('a') a body of a certain mass ('m'). By manipulating this model - by plugging in various values for F, m, and/or a, we can understand and predict the relationship in the real world between force and acceleration.