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Extrapolating is the process whereby you take your model built on an observed dataset and apply it to non-observed data (e.g. for estimating future outcomes).

For example, you might have modeled a relationship between historical sales and growth in workforce. You could then extrapolate this model to predict what your future sales might be with a theoretical increase in workforce.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

The requested x-value lies outside the range of x-values already on the graph. Extrapolation works best with linear graphs.

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How many rice grains are there approximately in one Kg of rice?

Extrapolating from the answer to how may grains in a pound of rice, 29,000, (elsewhere in we get something like 64,000 grains in a kilogram (@ 2.2 lbs / kg). This could vary based on the kind of rice.

Is a parabola a line?

By the geometric definition of a line, it is represented by two points, and all points on the line are collinear, between or extrapolating to infinity from the straight line made by the two points. In other words, a line is straight, and can be represented by a binomial function (example: y=2x+1). A parabola is a function, but cannot be described mathematically as a line.

How do you determine if one fraction is greater than or less than or equal to another fraction?

by finding their common denominator, then extrapolating and comparing their numerators. A simpler method (sometimes) is to cross-multiply. The relative sizes of a/b and c/d are the same as those of aXd and bXc. Thus 3/8 is greater that 1/3 (because 9 is greater than 8, 5/16 is greater than 4/13 becuse 65 is greater than 64, 3/4 and 6/8 are equal since the cross products are both 24.

Why would it be difficult to extrapolate data from a dot to dot graph?

It would be difficult to extrapolate data from a dot plot graph because dot plots are primarily used for displaying and comparing individual data points, rather than showing trends or patterns in the data. Since dot plots do not typically include lines or curves to connect the data points, it can be challenging to accurately estimate values between the plotted points or beyond the range of the data provided. Additionally, dot plots are not designed for precise numerical analysis or prediction, making it unreliable for extrapolating data.

If the size of a sample equals to the size of the population?

Sample is subset of the population so sample size and population size is different.However, as a subset can be the whole set, if the sample size equals the population size, you have sampled the entire population and you will be 100% accurate with your results; it may cost much more than surveying a [representative] sample, but you get the satisfaction of knowing for what you surveyed the population exactly.Using a sample is a trade off between the cost of surveying the whole population and accuracy of the result.A census is a survey of the whole population and could be considered that the sample size = population size; in this case the results are 100% accurate.The television viewing figures are calculated using a sample of the whole population and then extrapolating them to the whole population; depending upon how the same was chosen, including its size, will affect the accuracy of the results - most likely not more than 95% accurate.With a carefully selected (that is properly biased) sample you can prove almost anything!

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Extrapolating from the answer to how may grains in a pound of rice, 29,000, (elsewhere in we get something like 64,000 grains in a kilogram (@ 2.2 lbs / kg). This could vary based on the kind of rice.

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Make the title of your project BOLD, then decide on a question that makes sense and is relevant to your project. Type it below. You can lengthen the PROBLEM STATEMENT by explaining your project into detail and extrapolating on important points. Hope this helps!!